Strong leadership is critical to the sustained success of an organisation. For people, it is often a deciding factor in why we choose to work or stay or leave an organisation. And for managers, it’s what we strive to provide our teams to improve performance....
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The Employee Value Proposition in 2022
Covid has impacted our lives in so many ways with some valuable learnings which have arisen from the global pandemic. One of those being a shift in workplace mentality where the driving force behind what motivates us to turn up to work has changed.Team building on the...
5 steps to make 2022 a year to remember
For so many, this recent Christmas break will have been a memorable one. The pandemic related events of the last two years has affected (and continues to affect) each of us in different ways. A philosophical consequence of such challenging times surely must be our...
Is this your first Pandemic?
Psychological safety at workPeople tell me that this is the first pandemic they've ever experienced. It's not! ‘Pandemic’ comes from the Greek word of PAN which means ‘all’, and DEMOS which means ‘people’, and a pandemic is defined as a disease that is prevalent...