In today's world, negativity is like a bad habit we just can't quit. We gobble up bad news like it's the latest celebrity gossip. I’m loving the term for this called the "doom loop”. Leaders, employees, and the whole organisation can get sucked into this abyss of...
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9 psychological safety leadership practices for teams
True leadership isn't just about guiding from the front; it's about creating a supportive and inclusive space for everyone to thrive. These key steps are great examples of how a leadership approach based on psychological safety can achieve that: 1. Cultivate a...
Demystifying Workplace Culture
Understanding workplace culture can be similar to unravelling a complex puzzle. However, it's a puzzle that leaders cannot afford to ignore or give up on, as it holds the key to competitive advantage and business evolution. Companies that actively shape their culture...
The route to establishing psychological safety
Loving this quote and the reminder that comes with it: Leadership sets the tone for psychological safety in the workplace. Consider this: What do your choices as a leader convey? Are you fostering an environment of equality where every voice matters, or inadvertently...
Have a great RUOK Day everyone!!
Have a great RUOK Day everyone!! As many of you know, the spirit of this day is to remember to check in, not just with your close ones, but those around you - at work, in life. Feeling supported goes a long way in helping us be vulnerable and face negative emotions....